Insane flying creatures and units make their first appearance in the series, monstrous and terrifying beasts, and magical artillery do an excellent job shaking up the formula. The more historically focused strategy fans may turn up their noses at the embrace of Warhammer factions, but it works out wonderfully for creating conflicts and strategies that wouldn’t work in the traditional human-versus-human confrontations. With a smorgasbord of diverse units and a magic system at the forefront of the classic economy-driven war for territory and control, the series has never felt so fun. Throwing history to the wind and embracing a classic fantasy franchise in Total War: Warhammer is an inspired effort, breathing new life into a series that was feeling weary under the weight of legions of axemen, spearmen, and trebuchets.
The Total War franchise has popped out all sorts of entries from various time periods and historical backdrops.